A Student’s Easter in Wales

This post is quite delayed but in March I went to Cardiff and Swansea for a few days. I was mostly enticed to Wales for its connection with authors like Roald Dahl and Dylan Thomas. This took me to Swansea, the birthplace of Dylan Thomas where they have a centre dedicated to him.  It was…

21 noteworthy things leading up to my 21st birthday

My 20th year has been a wild time. Looking forwarding to what my 21st year brings. Ruled the iron throne for about 30 seconds Got lost in a corn maze  Drank wine at a vineyard on Saltspring Island  Had another great year volunteering at the Rifflandia music festival Gained some temporary visible eyebrows Used a…

owlfreckle meets an owl

I had been waiting a long time for this moment. Just in time for my 21st birthday, my owl arrived. I heard there was an owls and birds of prey display at a community garden party in Norwich. So I went and waited my turn in a queue of children so I could fulfill a…

Part 1: A few sunburnt days in the South of France

At the  start of my month long Easter break I went to Nice in France (pronounced sort of like niece) to visit Ryleigh. Also, I’ve been dreaming about this place since I went there in Grade 11 on the Europe trip. 1st day: I spent a good part of the day acclimatizing myself to the…

Edinburgh- steep streets, castles and sheep

In February, we went on a weekend trip to Edinburgh, Scotland! It was about an 8 hour bus ride there but we still managed to do some sightseeing on the first day. On the second day we went on a blustery tour of Edinburgh Castle. For lunch we went to the Elephant House. Aka the…

Great Yarmouth- home of arcades and seagulls

A couple weeks ago I went on a day trip to Great Yarmouth on the Norfolk coast. Contrary to what my mom thought, the “Great” is meant to be there and I’m not just praising Yarmouth for no reason. Again, the day trip began with that famous wrestle of waking up earlier than I’m used…


Amelia is turning 14 today! Gah, 13 was difficult enough. I wish she would stay small and pocket sized forever. I’m so proud of her though, even if she grows up while I’m away. Happy Birthday Amelia!! 🙂 I hope your weekend is full of fun and cake and calling the shots because it’s your…

First Impressions of UEA

I’m here! I’m in England and I’m attempting to blend seamlessly with the locals while trying not to have an expression that screams “lost.” However, within 60 seconds of stepping off the bus at UEA, someone who worked on campus came up to me to ask if I needed directions. Other than that, I was…

A Canadian Ginger in London

Last Saturday I went on my first day trip to London with a group of other exchange students. There is so much to see in London I feel like I needed 4 pairs of eyes. I guess I’ll go through the day in chronological order: 4:00am My alarm goes off. 4:05am My second alarm goes…

Synchronized Swimmers

Here is short video that I made about the seals at Fisherman’s wharf in Victoria. And some more photos.  


Some procrastination from my homework. Here are some really wonderful and catty illustrations by the talented Jessie Caves (she played Lavender Brown in the Harry Potter movies!) She has a website called pindippy. These adorable yet socially spot-on comics make me so happy. Please love these witty things as much as I do. I feel like…